The lab question

The lab question. Ok so this comes up a lot in conversation “what are you running at home” now up until recently I had a whitebox pc with an AMD 4 core processor (an phenom or something I think it was called) with 16 GB’s of RAM, the white box also had a 500GB sata hard disk and a couple of smallish SSDs. I used VMware workstation for virtualization on my whitebox. Also side by side with Read More…

A call to arms!

This is the first episode of hopefully a regular series of podcasts talking about everything EUC. We are looking for vendors, customers evangelists to come on the program to discuss their challanges/passion or solution. The podcast is EUC agnostic so will cover technology from vendors such as Citrix, VMware and all the supporting technologies that make SBC and VDI possible. If you wish to appeaRead More…