Hide Citrix XenApp system tray icons with seamless flags

Citrix Xenapp

If you want to hide XenApp system tray icons from appearing in the native desktop you can use seamless flags here’s how.


It’s sometimes the little things that matter, personally I’ve never really thought or cared about the remote systray icons appearing in your own systray when logging into seamless apps. But like all things in Citrix this can be configured and is fairly straightforward although does require a delve into the regedit (standard if you break it, it’s not my fault disclaimer applies) to apply the seamless flags.

Firstly you will need to decide how you deliver this change, you can for instance load it in locally to each registry hive of the workers or you can apply it via group policy computer registry settings, or if you’re using PVS just update the base vDisk jobs done.

However you decide to push out the change you will need to perform the following settings change (based on using local registry to apply the changes).

1/ Run Regedit and expand HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\wfshell\TWI

2/ Create a new DWORD entry with the name SeamlessFlags and the value of 0x20

3/ Close the registry and your finished

The changes should take effect for the next person who logs onto the server but obviously not for currently logged on users.


There are a plethora of other settings that can be configured via seamless flags as documented HERE and combing the settings is simply adding the values together and inputing the total into the seamless flags registry key.


Author: Dale Scriven

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