Installing DotNet framework 4 with MDT

If your having trouble deploying the dotnet framework 4 with the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) with a deployment seemingly halting or freezing when installing the framework a minor change in the MDT application properties is in order. Instead of using the usual dotnetfx40_full.exe /q /norestart substitute the /q (quiet) with /passive. This allows the dotnet installation to be displayed Read More…

DHCP policies in Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2012 is fast approaching and from the RC that is available its going to be awesome. Now I’ve been looking into an area that has traditionally changed very little since Windows 2000. DHCP has remained fairly constant but with Windows Server 2012 there are 2 great new additions to the  DHCP role. One feature is DHCP failover where 2 DHCP servers can either be configure to load balaRead More…