Parent virtual disk has been modified error vSphere 5

Whilst p2ving I came across this little issue when powering on a vm for the first time. I received an error stating the below: Cannot power On: Reason: The parent virtual
disk has been modified since the child was
created. The content ID of the parent virtual disk
does not match the corresponding parent content
ID in the child.
Power On virtual machine Now the only thing that I cRead More…

VNXE registration error

When you first switch on a VNXE you have to go through the management network setup tasks, then you have to register the product to download and install the licence file for the software packs you have purchased with the hardware. This is where I hit a bit of a brick wall for a while with our first VNXE 3100. All I got when clicking the obtain licence button was a message on the EMC website sayingRead More…