Citrix purchase Norskale VUEM

So last week Citrix announced that it has finalised the purchase of Norskale who provide a platform that manage the desktop workspace. Now I must say I’ve not had the chance to look into them much before but I’ve been missing out and this purchase by Citrix has me very excited indeed. Its no secret that while the likes have VMware have been bolstering their Desktop level management features iRead More…

Quick Fix: Citrix PVS the system is not configured properly

Came across a problem on a single Citrix Provisioning Server (PVS) the other day when trying to access the local PVS console. A message popped up and said “the system is not configured properly”. A slightly concerning message for a production system. Looking at the console of the other PVS server confirmed that the affected server was still streaming vDisk’s correctly and in all other respeRead More…